Pre-Prosthetic Surgery

Preparing the Oral Environment

You want your smile to dazzle — but you also need strong teeth that will last a lifetime. Starting with a healthy foundation is crucial to ensure bridges, crowns, and dentures are durable and comfortable.

Pre-prosthetic surgery improves and stabilizes the oral environment for prosthetics, like conventional dentures. It involves various procedures to reform, rebuild, or redesign the oral tissue surrounding the area to ensure the end result is comfortable, stable, and natural.

Our Approach

At Perio Clinic Oakville, we use the most advanced technologies and procedures in periodontics to ensure a faster recovery and the most comfortable experience possible. Before we advise you on your treatment course, we provide a thorough examination and consultation to determine the best approach for you and your unique needs.

Preparation for Dentures

Preparation for placing removable partial or complete dentures involves ensuring the following factors are addressed and ready for support:

  • Adequate bony tissue support.
  • Adequate soft tissue support.
  • Optimal vestibular depth.
  • Elimination of pre-existing bony deformities like tori, exostosis, and sharp bony ledges.
  • Elimination of pre-existing soft tissue deformities like folds of tissue, flabby ridges, and hyperplastic tissues.

Preparation for Crowns and Bridges

In order to create a healthy environment for fixed prosthetic work, like fixed bridges and crowns, crown lengthening and biologic shaping is needed. These procedures contour the bone, soft tissues and root form of the teeth in order to create a healthy environment with adequate tooth structure. In turn, this allows a crown or bridge to have an excellent long-term prognosis.

Dr Mohamed and his team are ready to help you on your way toward strong and resilient teeth, as well as a bright smile. In order to get there, you need to start with a solid foundation, which can be achieved through pre-prosthetic surgery. At Perio Clinic Oakville, you’ll know you’re in good hands.


“Dr. Mohamed was so calming and professional. His kindness and expertise made the appointment really comfortable. He wants the work to be done really well, so he’s careful and makes sure the job is done perfectly. Really talented.”

Happy Patient

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I need pre-prosthetic surgery?

While it largely depends on the procedure, pre-prosthetic surgery may be required before you can receive a bridge, crown or denture. For example, you may need to have any bony or soft tissue deformities corrected to create the optimal (and lasting) environment for the crown, bridge or dentures.

Will pre-prosthetic surgery delay my procedure?

In many cases, it’s essential before the procedure can even occur. It is usually conducted in two separate appointments. The area is then allowed to heal after surgery prior to continuing with the next procedure. This may be a week or more.